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2024-25 Presidential Candidates


Alexandra  Lindell Lindblom  (she/her)

Hello Sprott Students, I'm excited to be running for the position of your next SBSS President. If we haven't crossed paths yet, let me share a bit about myself. I'm currently in my Fourth Year of Bachelor of Commerce, concentrating in Management and minoring in Political Science. As your president, my main focus will be to ensure that our events are accessible, meaningful, and tailored to your demands and needs. Currently, I am serving as the VP Internal Affairs at the SBSS, overseeing day-to-day operations such as human resources, managing the website, liaising with Sprott Clubs and organizing various events under the EDI, Sustainability, and International Student Outreach portfolios. In the past two years, I Co-founded Women in Business at Sprott and served a term as President and Co-President. I am humbly seeking your vote and support for the SBSS President position. Over the past three years in student leadership, I've gained insights into various aspirations and needs of my fellow students. My goal is to lead the SBSS in creating spaces where everyone feels a sense of belonging, regardless of who you are, and gains value from our initiatives. I aim to provide value by helping you build and cultivate strong social connections through fostering community, offering meaningful opportunities to build professional networks, and enhance existing resources to support your overall well-being throughout your experience as a Sprott Student. Your support means the world to me, and together, we can make a positive impact on the SBSS and Carleton communities.

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Allen John (he/him)

🎉 Your Vote Counts!, 🗳️Elect me to be your SBSS President! Hey Sprotties, I’m Allen John, I am a third-year Accounting and Business Analytics student, and I am running to be your next SBSS President for the 2024/25 academic year. The question is, why should you cast your all-important vote my way?

  1. I’ve been heavily involved with Sprott Clubs during my time at Sprott. I juggled various leadership roles within Sprott such as being the Bookkeeping director for SBSS, VP External for SASA (Accounting Club), VP Events/Relations for STSA (Tax Club) and VP Finance for Sprott Ace (Case Competition club). After working with various leaders across Sprott, I was able to develop a deeper understanding of the Sprott community through co-ordinating and facilitating events, developing faculty relations, managing finances and communicating with external sponsors. I believe, these diverse experiences will allow me to better serve you as your SBSS President.

  2. I want to hear from you! I plan to implement a feedback form all-year round, which will be heavily advertised, so you, the Sprott Student, can provide your concerns and opinions on how you can improve SBSS. This feedback will be taken into consideration in order to improve SBSS!

  3. No empty promises! My number one goal is to have SBSS operate smoothly and efficiently and have events that benefit the levy paying students while also providing financial transparency! Vote for me, and let’s make this year legendary! Cheers, Allen John for SBSS President 🚀

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Julianna Koops (she/her)

Hey Sprotties! My name is Julianna Koops and I am a third year Bachelor of Commerce student with a concentration in Management. I am so excited for what this next year entails for the Sprott community! As your SBSS President, I will encourage Sprott students to get involved in the Sprott community by attending events and activities. As someone who has been involved in Sprott for the past three years, it has genuinely changed my life for the better. My goal is to allow Sprott students to feel welcome and included in all activities held by the SBSS and Sprott clubs. I want to gain more local Ottawa business connections, to build strong relationships between Sprott students and future career opportunities in the Ottawa business community. Creating a better connection between the SBSS and all the Sprott clubs will continue to grow, by collaborating more on events and ensuring President meetings still occur monthly. By generating events that any Sprott student will want to attend, with many more opportunities to get bonus marks and employability passport badges. I believe that this coming year holds so much opportunity for fun and inclusive events that will generate more participation than ever. I am so grateful for this opportunity and look forward to what the 2024/25 year has in store for Sprott and the Sprott Business Students’ Society!

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